Thursday, March 27, 2008

Morning Face or "It's not how I look, it's how I CAN look"

In keeping with the "naked" pictures being posted by various bloganistas, here are Feeney and me, not a scrap of make-up on either one of us.

Note the greenish patch near the outside of my eye. That's actually a shiner; a dog play injury. Feestie McBeastie has a hard little head.

Lucky for all of you, there's not a utility to share morning breath...


Liv said...

oh, beautiful foop. i secretly (?) always wanted to be blonde.

foop said...

Liv: funny, I tried a couple of times to be a dark brunette. Couldn't really carry it off.

I guess the hair is always greener on... wait.

flutter said...

You are so beautiful. Morning breath and all.

Hel said...

No ways. I'm convinced there is some blush on that doggie nose.

Anonymous said...

Your skin is so glowy and fresh in the morning, and the green of the bruise really compliments you.

foop said...

jakelliesmom: Does this bruise make my ankles look fat?

hel: well, feeney did have a little work done...

flutter: xo!

mamatulip said...

Wow, you're a stunner, first thing in the morning! I'm jealous!

Your comment on my blog today cracked me up. :)

Chicky Chicky Baby said...

And neither one of you need any makeup. You're both gorgeous. As for me and my dogs, we won't leave the house without a bit of foundation and some mascara. And ever try to put lip gloss on a dog? What a bitch!

NotSoSage said...

Now THAT would be a whole other kinda "naked". I'm not sure I'm ready for the "morning breath" step in our relationship.